Monday, March 1, 2010

monday mornings

(Photo via Toshi*, via Carmella)

It's Monday morning, and the sun finally decided to show its face. Does it plan that? Does it know it's Monday morning and the weekend's over and the work week is beginning? Maybe it does, and knows that we'd need a bit of light to force us out of bed and get going. Being in my office though, with cinder block-painted walls and no windows and awful flourescent lighting doesn't help, much. Sounds glamorous, yes?

My hot mug of tea and Pandora Ingrid Michaelson station and plaid shirt are helping, though. February's behind us and maybe March holds something delightful. Someone told me the other day about the importance of ritualizing beginnings and endings, and it's struck me, for some reason. So I'm throwing February to the wind and embracing this new month. A fresh start, a new chance, another 31 days. Come in like a lamb and out like a lamb, if you'd please.

How's your Monday shaping up?

{Also: Formspring accounts seem to be spreading like wildfire these days . . . whaaa?}


  1. i totally agree--march is a breath of fresh air (or at least rainy/misty/snowy air). a lion it is!

  2. beautiful photo! it's a sunny monday here in wi and i just found my daffodils coming up! happy first of march! xoxo, juliette

  3. I just said to J yesterday, "it looks like it's going to clear up but I'm sure it will wait until tomorrow." lol.

  4. monday is shaping up to be quite the good day! hope yours has been too:)


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