Thursday, March 25, 2010

sew what?*

Lately, all I've been wanting to do is sew. I wish I just had a big block of time where the earth stood still and my phone wouldn't ring and email wouldn't exist and no one could make a sound. (I suppose I could just turn off my phone, shut my computer, and go somewhere quiet, but I'm dreaming here, okay?)

Perhaps this weekend will have to be a sewing weekend. Besides a little babysitting, I don't have much planned, and that's perfectly fine with me. MH is away in Florida (big sister jealousy kicking in, right here) and my parents won't be around too much, so it just may be the perfect weekend for some peace and quiet. I don't even remember the last time I busted out my sewing machine in full force, except to do a quick mending.

(Although, it feels like tomorrow should be Saturday, but that could be because I'm all messed up about time and today is a half day at school, so I can leave early.)

I'm hitting up the clearance section at my local fabric store like nobody's business and even bringing my coupon. They better watch out.

Because I want to make every single one of these things:
1. OliveShop, via DrifterandtheGypsy

2. OliveShop, via DrifterandtheGypsy

3. wemetinabar, via ErinEverAfter

Clearly I'm a little early, but do you have any big plans for this weekend? I'm ridiculously excited for some me-time.

*This is my lame attempt at a joke. When I was little, my Nana would always answer that question with, "Sew buttons!" And I remember thinking it was lame even back then, too.


  1. Sew buttons, God, I almost think my mom used to say that, ha! It sounds very familiar.

    I have no big plans for this weekend except for finally unpacking from last weekend and catching up on house stuff. But I'm really excited about doing next to nothing! Oh, and Sunday night kirtan, can't forget that. With a trip afterwards to The Haymarket for 2 chocolate chunk cookies that I'll think about eating the whole way home...

  2. Oh, what I would give to be sitting with a cup of tea and a cookie at The Haymarket right now!

  3. I've got the sewing bug too, but sadly not the time to pursue it. I'm still considering taking a class that my university offers, but now simply may not be the right time. All your chosen sewing projects are excellent ones. Will you post pics? I can't wait to see what you make.

  4. I want to get into sewing too! Can you imagine what you can make if you know how? I would definitely saw stuff away!!!! xo

  5. Oh! We have parallel lives, my dear. I finally pulled my sewing machine out after a very long hiatus. I just had to make a quick bean bag for the butt of a lion (stuffed animal, see), and I accidentally put on the presser foot that only allows straight lines, but proceeded to make a zig-zag stitch. That needle shattered in a zillion pieces and one bit even ricocheted into my eye.
    But nevertheless, I want to get back on that and sew the entire weekend and crop/edit my clothes. Like adding some pretty flowers like you have pictured above! So lovely...

  6. I have been itching to sew lately, too. Unfortunately, the sewing machine lives at my mother's house, which makes it slightly less convenient to work on my projects. Alas.

    I can't wait to see what you make!

  7. I wish I knew how to sew. Maybe I need to learn...

  8. I have no itch to want to sew but I do love that wemetinabar via Erin Ever After. Those colors are gorgeous:)

  9. I also want to make all those things! Lovely!

  10. i wish i could sew. love all that stuff, esp the tea cup and the house. sew on ruth, can't wait to see what you whip up.

  11. I tell people that I "have to work" so that they don't bother me on the weekends.

    Works every time. :)

  12. now i want to sew too:)... happy weekend!


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