Monday, March 29, 2010

what my monday sounds like

Found via For Me, For You, who hit the nail on the head when she said: I want to listen to it while laying in the dark with my eyes closed, volume all the way up…

Since this is my first day of vacation from work, I've been listening to it all morning, while crocheting up the wazoo and drinking hot mugs of green tea and watching the rain fall (and trying to fight off a sore throat...).

What does your Monday sound like?


  1. Wow, this is beautiful!

    "God Help the Girl" by a band of the same name has been giving me loads of optimism lately - not to mention a good reason to dance around in my room every morning lol. Give it a listen!

  2. tracy chapmen -- all i've been listening to, all weekend.

  3. oh, and there's something on my blog for you!

  4. you're weekend is lovely - even with the sore throat! girl i wish my monday was as nice...but perhaps i can make today even better!!

    ps. i am in the saaame process of trying to get my crush to reciprocate this feeling - haha, we will see in time if i am able to conquer!


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