Monday, March 22, 2010


While I'm still not sure about the Kindle and how I feel about reading books electronically, this commercial sure caught my eye.


  1. love my kindle---won't give up books but now I have room for more and don't have to carry 5 or 6 when I travel :-)

  2. I Just got my kindle and it is pure love. i am trying to find a place to buy a purtty cover for it! I still love books but the kindle seems so smart!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. kindles are weird. i like ripping and flipping pages.

  5. I just love this commercial. I've been flipping back and forth in my head about whether or not to get one. I love my books, but I know people who have a Kindle and they all speak very highly of it...

  6. I'm so with you Ruth. Still can't decide myself, but what a darling commercial:)

  7. I've had mine for over a month now and...I love it. Just to keep a little balance though, I only buy one kindle book for every "real" book that I read in between. But I love the sensation of a's just a different kind of book :)


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