Wednesday, March 31, 2010

a tidbit

Just when I was thinking I might be losing some of my English major-ness almost a year after graduation,

I drive past a poor, lonely book lying in the road,

wet and forgotten against the double yellow line

like a lump of roadkill.

I wanted to pull over and stop the traffic,

to scoop it up and smooth out its spine,

to bring it home and dry its sopping pages,

and say, "There, there, you're safe now."


  1. Both of my sisters majored in English in college and I wish I could write like you all!!! I try not to write too much on my blog since I am aware that there is a world of 8th graders out there with a better sense of grammar. At least blogging isn't formal! This is a cute post!!!

    Have a great Wednesday :)

  2. Oh, as a fellow former English major, I am loving this. That's so funny, and I totally feel you on book sympathy.

    I almost had a heart attack when my husband offered to buy me a Kindle. I was like, "Are you kidding? I'll never give up good ole' paper books!"


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