Friday, March 19, 2010

felicitous findings: part 25

Okay. I know. You don't have to tell me, even.

After my last post ranting about the evils of my oh-so-unfortunate life, I snapped out of it (thanks to your encouraging words). Sometimes I regret posting things like that, wishing I could take those words right back off the page like no one had ever seen them. But I guess that wouldn't be real life, would it? Let's just let this new post make up for my mopey mood yesterday and call it even, okay?

1. Coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. I've actually cut back a lot (my stomach hasn't been thanking me for much caffeine, lately) but after nights like last night when I babysit overnight and I remembered how entirely uninterested I am in having children in any near future, I need coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.

2. The thesaurus option on Microsoft Word. I kind of feel like I'm cheating when I use it, though, like I probably shouldn't be needing it after studying the English language for four years in college.

3. Skirts, dresses, and open-toed shoes. Oh yes, you're being dragged out of that closet.

4. Getting out early on Fridays.

5. Wedding photography, always.

What do you find felicitous today?

Happy weekend,


  1. Here's to getting out early on Fridays! For you, at least, not so much here...

  2. yay for coffee and getting out early today! i hope i can.

  3. *Sigh*... Skirts, dresses, and open-toed shoes. Bring on the good weather!

    What do I find felicitous today?
    > My new running shoes that are going to inspire me to run (though, they're not doing a great job thus far.)
    > My hubby who woke me up with tea in bed this morning!

    Happy Friday!

  4. ooooh the thesaurus option. that's a good one. a really really good one. it makes me feel like i'm smart...

  5. Sunshine...It was beeeeeeeeautiful outside today!

  6. Awww, don't worry, we all have those days. For example, while you were at work yesterday, it was brilliant out, and it was brilliant out here in Chicago, too. But today it's snowing like mad! So there you go, today's my day to grumble :)

  7. i love skirts too :)
    i gave you an award on my blog tonight! i hope you accept! xoxo

  8. oh, i hear you on number 1 & 2!!

    it's not that i dislike kids... i just, don't enjoy being around them for extended periods of time- especially when they're running amuck with sticky fingers {because children are always sticky or covered in mysterious goo} -- or enigmatic sludge - if you wanted to look it up in the thesaurus.

  9. Nah. Studying English for four years has made you APPRECIATE the thesaurus option :)


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