Friday, March 5, 2010


This weekend, I'm going to take a pause.

Tara Brach, in her book Radical Acceptance, emphasizes the importance of pausing in life. She says, "Through the sacred art of pausing, we develop the capacity to stop hiding, to stop running away from our experience . . . In the pause, we become available to whatever life brings us, including the unfaced, unfelt parts of our psyche."

For some reason, this is what I'm feeling pulled to right now. I tried a new yoga/meditation class last night, hoping to gradually sink into my pause. Little did I know, meditation is not for the weak of heart. For me, it was practically painful, as I lay there trapped with my own emotions and grief with absolutely nowhere to go but my mat. You're forced to face your feelings and emotions and, while not necessarily solve them, accept them.

You're stuck with yourself.

Apparently, that's difficult for me.

So this weekend, after much thought and option-weighing, I've decided to take a day to myself, and only myself. I have no idea if it will make me feel liberated or uneasy, but I'm going to try.

As the Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh has said, we need to pause to "keep our appointment with life."

So I think I have an appointment to get to.


I'd highly recommend this book, Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life with the Heart of a Buddha, by Tara Brach. I'm not a Buddhist, but it's extremely insightful.


  1. I was supposed to be on a day-long meditation retreat myself tomorrow, but it's been postponed until April. I was really looking forward to a pause as well.

    Thanks so much for this book recommendation.

    "One's own thought is one's world.
    What a person thinks
    is what he becomes —
    That is the eternal mystery.
    If the mind dwells
    within the supreme Self,
    One enjoys undying happiness."
    — Maitri Upanishad

  2. I hope you have a wonderful day with yourself!

  3. i do this all the time! i think its wonderful :) enjoy it!

  4. I've just recently started savoring the time I get to myself and it's absolutely wonderful.
    I'm think going to take you up on the book suggestion too.

  5. I will check out your book recommendation...hope your weekend was all you hoped it would be.

  6. Thank you for the book recommendation! I hope your weekend was all you hoped it would be. xo

  7. I'll have to check this book out. When I first started yoga I had trouble with savasana. Now it comes much easier to clear my mind and enjoy the calm.


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