Wednesday, March 10, 2010

plain broke

Sometimes I wish I had a real job and made real money so I could buy real things.

Sometimes I wish I wasn't going to grad school, so I wouldn't extend this period of flat-out-brokeness for another two long years.

It's hard, when you want this scarf...

...and this headband...

...and this bag (oh, the bags are what kill me)...

...and this dress...

...but behold, I'm pretty darn broke. And think I will be for some more time. Drat.

This post on Anthropologie purchases just threw me back into an I-can-deny-it-and-purchase-it-anyways mindset, before I jolted myself back into my reality and tried to put off the irrational desires for two more years, hopefully. I did not, however, practice enough self-control to decline the request for a catalog to be sent to my house. If that's not self-harm, I don't know what is.

(My friend Stephanie worked at Anthropologie when we roomed together in college, and any time she brought back purchases I'd make her try everything on for me and go over every detail of every purchase, trying to live vicariously through her [and her discount!]. Even the smell she brought back with her was enough to make me crazy.)

Anthropologie, I'll get back to you, someday.


  1. Oh Ruth, first, I've never known a Ruth I didn't like, so I like you already. And second, URGH I know what you mean! I graduated, and wam, all the firms I loved were in a recruitment freeze, sucks, so now, I'm doing an unpaid internship. I wish I had pennies to spend!

    Anyway, I adore your blog, you've got a new follower :)


  2. drool. i love anthropologie. i can't afford ANYTHING there, but i still go in just to look and dream. and sometimes there's something good in the sale section :-)

  3. Tell me about it! Lately I've realized that the absolute only thing I ever want in life (i mean, there's plenty, but this is the number one goal) is to own a house. Considering I'm leasing a car and my head is spinning, I am absolutely stunned at how it's even possible to become a homeowner, and am having serious doubts that I ever will be one...

  4. I know how you feel! I'm just about to graduate college-- I'm SO tired of being flat broke! It's the worst, especially when stores like Anthropologie decide to carry the cutest spring collection ever. Someday soon, I will be able to shop (I'm determined!).
    XO fallon


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