Monday, March 15, 2010

power outage

Sunday morning, when we woke up without power, I was a little miffed. I couldn't check my email or straighten my hair. Hmph.

But mostly, I was secretly happy. Go all day long without the ability to clean the bathroom, do my massive amounts of laundry, pay online bills, or vaccuum? I'd take it. Sure, it'd set me back a day, but I got to focus on things I probably wouldn't have thought of. Like sewing a sunglasses case I'd promised Rachel. Or work on crocheting. Or reading a book. In complete silence. It was kind of relaxing, actually.

When I was little, the days we lost power were always sort of magical and fun. We'd light lamps and play Monopoly at the dark dining room table. We'd beg each other to accompany us to the bathroom so we wouldn't be afraid, with only the beam of a dying flashlight. We'd get out the candles and jugs of water and solar-powered radio and it'd almost be like we were camping for the night. Everything's so simple in childhood, isn't it?

Now, I'm a little irked. It's been over 24 hours. My wicker basket full of dirty laundry is overflowing. Lukewarm showers are not for the faint of heart (we have a well and a small generator, luckily). The clocks have been set forward and it's dark in the morning--combined with the gray, rainy weather that made it a little difficult to get up this morning without turning on a light. I had to escape to a friend's house last night to charge my dead cell phone. I couldn't even distract myself with my camera, because my battery decided to wimp out and it wouldn't turn on. Oh, and my small addiction to the internet is being tested TO NO END (good thing I have a computer at work).

It's funny how much we rely on electricity, isn't it? Connecticut Light & Power, please hurry.


  1. I lost electricity the other night and I totally understand you! This is a great post and you're a great writer :)

  2. That sounds horrible, hopefully they'll fix it soon!

  3. ohhh totally agreed. i loved it when the power went out as a child, but now all i do is run around like a chicken with its head cut off, worrying about all the food spoiling. luckily i'm rather fond of sleeping at any hour of the day.


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